Łódzka Organizacja Turystyczna

Weather in Lodz

Weather Łódź - hourly forecast, weather for tomorrow, weather for the weekend, long-term weather:

Sometimes sunshine, sometimes rain. Sometimes thunderstorm, sometimes snow.

Lodz is situated in a temperate climate zone, and there are no geographical features such as mountains or the sea in the immediate vicinity of the city that could alter the local climate.

In spring, it is best to visit the Lodz Palm House, the Botanical Garden and the Orientarium Lodz Zoo with its awakening animals. The average daily temperature in Lodz in spring is about 10 degrees Celsius.

During summer, the average temperature in Lodz is around 20 degrees Celsius, and it is worth cooling off at Aquapark Fala, in one of Lodz's parks. You can also enjoy the many pubs, restaurants and other attractions of famous Piotrkowska Street.

In autumn, the average daily temperature hovers around 10 degrees Celsius. A walk to Ksiezy Mlyn or Lagiewnicki Forest is a must. In Lodz, you can wait out - proactively - the rainy weather in the Science and Technology Centre in EC1 or in one of Lodz's many museums.

During winter, when the average daytime temperature drops to around 0°C, it is worth checking out the Christmas decorations at Manufaktura or visiting the Christmas market on Piotrkowska Street.

Whatever the season, Lodz always has a welcoming climate!