
Aktualności: Places open during COVID-19 in Łódź [UPDATE: 2021-30-06]
PM), Sun 12:00 - 17:00 (12-5 PM). Muzeum Kinematografii: after the major renovation works inside Karol Scheibler's palace the Museum welcomes You in their humble steps. The first part of Łódź filmowa ( [...] them or obtain it in Łódź Tourist Information. More info and map . Księży Młyn : a company town of Karol Scheibler, the richest factory owner in Łódź, hides many secrets. Being a complex factory-residential więcej

Aktualności: Where you can try local cuisine in Łódź? We present TOP places in the city
with amber cheese and young vegetables. 4. "U Kretschmera" Restaurant, 64 Kopernika Street Former Karol Kretschmer textile factory, and from 1925 a tobacco and cigarette factory. Currently, the former factory więcej