Aktualności: Where you can try local cuisine in Łódź? We present TOP places in the city
the dishes eaten by 19th-century Łódź industrialists were largely based on veal, mutton, beef and pork meat that was hard to get for workers. Hence the typical dishes for Łódź, such as: veal in dough or [...] here, among others: zalewajka with buttermilk, bacon chips, fried egg, chanterelles, fresh marjoram, pork chop on the bone, fried cabbage, and mashed potatoes. For clarification... Explanations of some terms: [...] broth based on duck meat with duck's blood and flour Drygle, ("zimne nóżki" - lit. "cold feet") - pork jelly with meat and vegetables, served with lemon and vinegar Knedle - a flour or potato dish (dumplings) więcej